Shatter I.T. Services
Shatter offers a comprehensive and customizable menu of services. Product packages and pricing are presented only after a complete review of customer requirements, goals, and expectations.
Co-Location - We offer basic co-location services, in dedicated cabinet spaces or a caged environment, in a fully staffed and secure data center that is accessible 24/7.
Monitoring - We monitor Internet reliability, network redundancy, and burstable bandwidth. We track system-performance issues, including CPU, disc space, and memory usage, along with intrusion detection and atypical behavior. We also do environmental checks such as temperature, humidity, and motion, while also keeping an eye on hundreds of other network reliability elements customized to your equipment and business needs.
SnapShot - Continuously Backed up Data, With Shatter's SnapShot disaster recovery service, all of your data on your e-mail server, web site, and in your data base can be continually backed up, replicated, and saved in near real time. Snapshots of your data are taken every 15 minutes, 24/7.
Remote Monitoring - You gain also access to our services and Network Operations Center, giving you 24/7 protection, without having to physically move your servers or equipment into one of our locations. Your I.T. staff can focus on growth, instead of maintaining your network.
Cloud Services - If the security and reliability of your data is essential, if you are looking for ways to lower your costs while increasing efficiency, and if you need a system that quickly scales up to meet changing needs, it's time to take a closer look at our Cloud Computing services.
Disaster Avoidance/Recovery - We protect and ensure access to your data, which prevents any disruption to your business. Our solutions range from hot-site mirroring to off-site back-up and recovery management. We provide solutions that ensure your business survives any type of disaster.
System Back-up/Restores - We customize the frequency and size of data back-ups to address the unique needs of your business.
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